You lack the necessary Authorization
My uncle advised me to dare going back to Campus. Well, you know how receptive are Professors here in Boston. I had to make the most of the decisive weekend, over the course of which I was supposed to talk to the now famous Bernard. What’s his alias? DM me s’il vous plaît.
So I called twice on Friday. He has a drinking problem, a perverse tradition from his family. On the other hand, I only drink Vodka. I wonder if this has anything to do with my very distant Russian heritage…
The problem is, I know where he used to live during his Baccalauréat. His friend Doug told me — wait, he’s not actually called Doug, that’ll account just for my internal nickname when I shall adress him. His name is like, ‘Teodosio’, slt.
I was about to give up when I met our former Spanish teacher:
“-Hola, how are you?”
“-Ey… you look so different!”
“-The hair, obviously.”
“-The hair!”
She had no clue, though. Wait, the library is open today — exceptionally.
“-Hi, Silvia, have you seen Bernie lately?”
“-Hi! Actually, he came here yesterday looking for this:”
But wait… Bernard is actively reading something not related to motorcycling? Now THAT’s impressive.
I called him on Sunday, and he finally agreed to meet at the local Japanese Bistro. He was very cold and succint. I hated our talk - which happens so rarely.
And that’s why I cancelled my yearly subscription of American Scientificity Weekly. Simply can’t afford.